What to Look for When Hiring a Staffing Agency
- On October 8, 2020
As times change, so do the staffing needs of your business. To ensure you are shown the best candidates for your needs, here are some tips in selecting the best staffing agency.
Recruitment Process Plan
Agencies should show they will go deep into the recruitment process to find the right candidates for you, regardless of the type of role you are looking for. Presenting you with a plan for recruitment is essential to see how many outlets they use to bring in candidates, their process for selecting their candidates, and how they are using their contacts to drive in referrals.
Referrals from Other Clients
Asking agencies to provide references from other customers they’ve assisted would be beneficial, showing you their overall success rate. Plus, any additional advice regarding communication practices and other insightful information will help you narrow down your selection of staffing agencies.
Detailed Job Requirements and Knowledge

Agencies should be asking detailed questions regarding all aspects of the position you are hiring for. While you provide a general description and minimal requirements, an agency’s in-depth approach to other job tasks and skills can provide selected results versus a large pile of resumes to sort through. Agencies should also research your website to obtain the best understanding of the business, and relay that information to their applicants.
Candidate Relationships
Check to see if the candidates they bring to the table are interested in the position. Sometimes potential hires are reached out to with no response, showing the relationship between the agency and the candidate is not very good. Good agencies usually possess those relationships with their applicants, making it worth the fees they charge and decreases the chance of bad referral applicants.
Industry Knowledge
Having a deep understanding of every industry you serve is very important. Agencies who understand the type of industry you are in will make sure the candidates they send your way are well-versed in the industry as well.
Looking Out for The Client
Especially with temp hires, agencies should consider the interests of the company long term. Staffing businesses continually turning temp workers into full-time hirees show their potential and worth, leading to a deep appreciation and a good relationship between you and the agency. This also benefits the client since the candidate will have also demonstrated navigation of the workplace and the expectations of the company.
Staff Solve provides employers with highly qualified candidates through an extensive recruitment process, and job seekers with an ideal position based on your knowledge and skill set. Looking for an agency to fill your temp or full-time position? Visit our employer page for more information regarding our process for hire and what we can do for you. Are you a job seeker looking for employment opportunities? Visit our job seekers page to view our job board with available positions. If you would like more information or have a question, contact us today.
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