How to Ensure Your LinkedIn Profile Stands Out
- On October 20, 2022
LinkedIn is a powerful job search tool because it’s where employers and recruiters look for candidates, and candidates can apply for positions they are interested in. To ensure your Linkedin profile stands out, Staff Solve has some tips and tricks to best utilize your profile to intrigue recruiters as well as find great job opportunities.
There are millions of posts on LinkedIn (updates, promotions, job postings, etc.), but the posts with the most engagement are the most relatable ones. Users who share an inspirational story, offer a few words (or a paragraph) of appreciation for a coworker or offer a fun survey asking followers thought-provoking or fun questions and preferences. You’ll increase engagement and attract new contacts when you’re open, kind and approachable.
A detailed LinkedIn profile is the best way to stand out to prospective employers and recruiters who run keyword searches to identify prospective candidates with relevant experience. You want to make sure your LinkedIn profile is tailored to appear in these searches. You can do that by including a thorough description of your responsibilities and experience in your current job and past roles. If you’re targeting a specific kind of position, make sure your LinkedIn profile contains the keywords that are relevant to those job descriptions. For example, words that describe experience with a specific practice area, software, supervisory experience, and more.
Hiring managers can review hundreds of LinkedIn profiles and applications for each open position, so it’s more important than ever to include keywords and successes on your profile to stand out. Users should include a few bullet points around their specific job functions, so their profile will populate at the top of the list during a keyword search. Listing successes will make your profile more eye-catching, telling reviewers why they should contact you over another candidate with similar experience. Adding successes with tangible outcomes, such as saving money for the department budget, bringing on a top-tier client or increasing revenue for the quarter, can be a key differentiator in attracting a reviewer’s attention. Including your experience and successes shows the hiring manager that you excelled in your position and will make your profile stand out from other candidates.
A well-worded and nicely summarized “About” section on a candidate’s LinkedIn profile assists in standing out to recruiters. Recruiters place a high priority on writing skills and the summary section provides an instant preview, including the use of grammar and punctuation. It also gives a recruiter insight into a candidate’s desired career path, personality and lifestyle interests.
Decide whether your LinkedIn profile is meant for your clients, future employers and hiring managers, or colleagues. Then, align the message you want to portray to your potential audience. Create an eye-catching summary highlighting your strengths, experience and what you seek. Make sure to use words strongly connected to the industry you’re seeking employment in, so those keywords will be searchable by future employers. Under each listing about previous employment, use bullet points to list quantitative examples of work product results, success and growth. When skimming your profile page, future employers look for impressive accomplishments that highlight your work history. So, stand out by emphasizing your impact in prior roles.
Staff Solve continues to provide high-quality candidates and jobs in diverse markets for over 27 years. Let us take the stress off you so you can focus on your business by finding the perfect applicant for the position. If you are looking for employment, please visit our job seeker page and check out our job board for current positions. If you would like more information about the services we offer employers, visit our employer page or contact us today.
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