How Social Media Can Affect Your Job Applications
- On December 30, 2021
Most recruiters use social media to gain insights into a candidate’s professionalism and determine if they fit the company culture. While LinkedIn is considered the most professional & preferred method of vetting candidates, don’t count out Facebook, Twitter and others.
Employers use your online profiles to confirm any thoughts they may have had from a resume or initial interview, and the content you’ve published can all be part of the consideration that goes into making the call as to whether or not you’re offered the job. A group you’re associated with might excite a recruiter in conversation, or your comment on an industry story you shared could showcase how you’re a trend-forward thinker. Depending on what they find, almost half of recruiters reject an applicant due to their activity on social media.
Studies show 65% of recruiters use social networks to screen the professionalism of a candidate, and many search to validate their qualifications or determine if they’re a fit for the culture. Employers aren’t limited to a resume, handshake or interview as their first impression of a potential employee. To ensure that your social media and networking platforms don’t shed a negative light on your professional resume, here are some tips to let social media work in your favor.
Googling yourself is a great first step, as you will be able to see what results pop up that a recruiter may see, and give you a chance to start cleaning up your online presence. Take note of all the websites that return with content including your name. If they’re sites with profiles you’ve opened, it’s best to take a spin through & ensure they represent the professional image you’re looking to communicate. If the profile has been dormant for an extended period of time, consider closing it.
Privacy is another factor that can affect how a recruiter views you. Be wary of providing too much personal information. If you’d prefer to be more casual on a platform, ensure you’re fully leveraging the privacy settings.
Inappropriate posts and media is one of the top reasons a recruiter will place your resume in the “not hire” pile. Remove any pictures, posts, comments or anything else that could damage your reputation. On Facebook, you can also restrict who’s allowed to tag you in photos so you can avoid unexpected surprises. This is also an opportunity to consider your social media connections. Filter and disconnect with anyone you don’t want to be associated with or you wouldn’t like to have a connection with.
Tidying up your profiles by removing irrelevant information, page likes or apps you haven’t interacted with in a long time or no longer care to. If it’s not relevant to you today or if you can’t elaborate on it, remove it.
Running another Google check after making some adjustments ensures you’ve adjusted any profiles you have access to. Not only is it important to update your social media profiles to put your best self out there, but today’s recruiters are looking to discover talent using the same tools. Most organizations use social media for recruiting, which includes keyword-targeting individuals with skills and interests that fit the job description they’re looking to fill.
When your social media profiles are updated with job titles, experience, associations or other industry keywords, you’re simply more likely to be discovered by a recruiter looking to hire someone with your talent. Just as you might use social media profiles to understand the culture of a company you’re interested in, recruiters are doing the same to discover more about potential candidates.Staff Solve continues to provide high-quality candidates and jobs in diverse markets for over 27 years. Let us take the stress off you so you can focus on your business by finding the perfect applicant for the position. If you are looking for employment, please visit our job seeker page and check out our job board for current positions. If you would like more information about the services we offer employers, visit our employer page or contact us today.
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